Our strength lies in the tradition combined with the search for the best quality in order to offer you an immersive experience in the world of flavor. Our history is known to all as the first pizzeria in Cortellazzo.

The awareness of knowing the history of a food. The knowledge of which hands have cultivated, worked and cooked.
Every Thursday
Every Thursday we have a tradition called “Cena Paesana”. Every week a tasting menu that is enriched for the occasion, traditional dishes at a single price.
Cortellazzo, a natural oasis that sees fishing as its main activity.
The territory of Cortellazzo extends as far as the sea (Jesolo Pineta) and, partly, on the left bank of the Piave including part of the Laguna del Mort, a site of community interest and, according to Legambiente, one of the eleven most beautiful beaches in Italy. It represents a vestige of the ancient coastal cordon which, since the beginning of the first millennium, separated the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea.